Monday 2 May 2016

Minimus Grants

Applications for 'MINIMUS'  Grants
One or two teachers have asked for clarification on how to apply for a grant. Grants are available to schools in the UK, to help with the cost of buying Minimus books. Schools are expected to
1. Once you have filled in your application form (downloaded here) , please send it (by email or by post) to Wendy Hunt (details at bottom of form). You can also receive an application form and details of the Hellenic Bookservice if you email
2. At the same time as sending off your application form, you will be able to order your 'Minimus' resources straightaway, since the Hellenic Bookservice  allows you thirty days to pay your invoice. Your cheque from the fund should reach your school within two weeks of receiving your application form.
We hope this makes it clearer! Please contact Wendy if you need any more help.

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