Thursday 3 March 2016

Latest news from Barbara...

January 2016:
Helen Forte and I were delighted to receive our copies of the Portuguese version of Minimus.  This is a translation for those in Brazil and it is thrilling to think of children in Rio enjoying the same stories about Vindolanda and its family.

February 2016:
I was invited to speak at a conference for Welsh Classics Teachers in Swansea organised by Evelien Bracke.  Anna Donnelly, who runs the Solihull Project, and Jayne Treasure, a Minimus Trainer, also spoke about their work with Minimus, so the mouse had a good airing on the programme!  Exciting things are happening in Wales and we are following the spread of Classics there with interest.

On 26th February I was invited back to work with Classics students at Birmingham University by Elena Theodorakopolous , they were an enthusiastic bunch and it was fun exploring ways in which they might use Minimus in the future.  Some of them are certainly considering going into teaching.

Barbara Bell

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