Friday 15 April 2016

Reaction from schools: 'Minimus' quotes...

‘We are keen to introduce Latin into our timetable, having identified ‘Minimus’ as the resource that would be most appropriate to our needs.’

(Laxton Junior School, Oundle, Peterborough)

‘There is so much interest and enthusiasm in our Latin Club that I can make a strong case for introducing Latin to the Literacy Hour.’

(Paul Hillman:Tunbury Primary School, Chatham, Kent)

‘Thank you so much for the grant. The children are absolutely delighted that their Latin club is able to continue and they are full of ideas!’

(Mrs Sue Burt (Deputy Head): Elson Junior School, Gosport)

‘We love our Latin Club. Ws have 12 keen young ladies whose enthusiasm more than compensates for their ability at the moment. There was great jubilation in the staff room today when the cheque arrived.’

(The staff: Susan (Agrippina) and Carol (Diana):Harvington School, LONDON)

‘The Latin Club is well attended with 16 children turning up regularly for extra stimulation. This is a deprived school but I am constantly impressed by their quickness and enthusiasm.’

(Head of Classics: Withington Girls’ School, Manchester: Her 6th form classicists go into nearby Old Moat Primary School)

‘So far we teach 60 pupils for Latin and their interest has been immense. We have made it part of their ‘Excellence and Enjoyment’ afternoon.’

(Harton Junior School, South Shields)

‘The Head has been very enthusiastic about the PLP project and is hoping to sit in the class so she can learn Latin herself.’

(Auchencairn School, Castle Douglas, Galloway)

‘The children are thoroughly enjoying their lessons and are also benefiting from their interaction with the children from St Martin’s Primary School and the two tutors from the Grammar school.’

(Helen Ward (Deputy Head): Vale View Community Primary and Nursery School, Dover, Kent)

‘Dorothy Allen, who will teach the course, is planning to dress up as a large grey mouse for the first class!’

(Fr. Michael Brown (Head): St Mary’s R.C. Presbytery School, Forest Hall, London, NE12 7AB)

‘The Latin Club is still going well and has now been extended to a second group of children. ‘Minimus Secundus’ is needed for the original group, so your grant will help us to buy this.’

(C.A. McMahon (Head): Holy Family School, Welwyn Garden City. Herts.)

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